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Remake of Stephen King’s IT


Coming out September 8th, IT is definitely one of the most highly anticipated horror films of the year. Based on the novel by Stephen King, IT was first adapted as a TV mini-series in 1990. The story is about a group of kids who band together when a monster in the shape of an evil clown returns to their hometown and starts hunting children. IT is now being remade as a feature film, directed by Andy Muschietti, and fans are excited.

Would the original fans go see the IT remake? The IT television series has held up pretty well amongst horror fans considering it was made almost thirty years ago. However, IT director Andy Muschittei has come out and said that he is “not a fan” of the TV mini-series, stating that he was not a child anymore when the IT television series was released and was more of a fan of the book.


Still, the excitement is high for a good film to make up for this summer’s slew of below average blockbusters. Adding to the hype is a new IT movie haunted house that has popped up in Hollywood, giving fans the IT experience as they navigate through the house while being terrorized by Pennywise the evil clown. If you are not one of the few people banned by Stephen King from seeing this movie (in other words if you are not Donald Trump) then make sure you check out IT coming out in theaters September 8th!