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Happy International Aura Awareness Day!


November 22nd is International Aura Awareness Day, a day to help create awareness of the vital role auras have in our lives. Auras exist as an energy field around living things, and there are different types of auras depending on your emotional, or physical state. Many people are still skeptical about auras, which maybe why this holiday was first celebrated in 2002. Aura’s have been a part religions for hundreds of years. In Christianity, auras have been depicted in paintings as a gold halo around an individual's head, like in portraits of Jesus, above. There are many examples of the “holy halo” in the Bible; mostly it is referred to as a light. "The Lord is the source of my light and my safety, so whom shall I fear?" Psalm 26:1 In India, scholars of the Buddhist and Hindu religions think that there’s a link between Auras and Chakras and Kundalini energy. These are specific point on the body that energy flows through and to. There are seven Chakra points on the human body from the The Crown Centre, which is above the head to the Muladhara or Base Centre, at the base of the spine.

Aura’s come in many different colors that mean different things. For example, dark auras are an indication of physical, emotional or psychological problems and trauma. British occultist W.E Butler found that clairvoyant individuals can see and accurately diagnose a person's state of mind, and well being, by the color of their auras. Each color has a positive and negative aspect, for example a red positive aura indicates good health or good circulations, while a negative red aura means anger, anxiety, and/or fear. A positive blue aura means the individual is at peace, and spiritually open, and a negative blue aura is a fear of telling the truth. An orange positive aura signifies a perfectionist, while a negative one means you have a lack of ambition. Getting an accurate reading takes a trained seer and an openness to the spiritual energies. If you are interested about this subject you should watch the documentary Inspired by Angels, which goes into more detail on the angels and auras, distributed by World Wide Motion Pictures Corporation.