Today is National Parent’s Day, and although this day does not get as much recognition as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, this day celebrates both! Having both parents is a blessing in itself and if you are fortunate enough to have both of your parents in your life, today is the perfect day to pay some love and respect to them. Parents and family are huge topic in many films made today, such as the film Ways to Live Forever (2010) and the film Amy (1997). The movie Ways to Live Forever focuses on a young boy with leukemia and how he and his family cope with the illness. The parents, played by Ben Chaplin and Emilia Fox, both take care of their son, played by Robbie Kay. The film displays support from family since the parents do everything they can to ensure that their son can stay alive. They fight alongside him to battle the illness. The film Amy also about a young child fighting a health issue, featuring a girl who suffers from hysterical deafness and only responds to song. Her mother, played by actress Rachel Griffiths, searches for answers to find out how her daughter can eventually hear again. Both films demonstrate how strong parents love is no matter the situation.
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