Happy Father’s Day to the first man to make an impact on our young lives. Whether Dad was there for you since birth or if he stepped into your life recently, this figure can make a huge impact on your life. Watching a Father’s Day movie would be a great way to spend time with your father figure. The movie Ways to Live Forever tells the story of a young boy named Sam (played by actor Robbie Kay) who is struggling with leukemia. The film, directed by Gustavo Ron, is a lovely portrait about living life to the fullest. The film centers on the boy and his family, and the evolution of his father’s (Ben Chaplin) acceptance of his son’s illness. In the film we see the relationship between Sam and his father grow from stiff and formal to warm and loving after the two bond in many ways, including flying in a blimp together to fulfill one of Sam’s wishes. Both father and son teach each other important lessons in life and Sam’s father creates a greater relationship with Sam that goes beyond just caring for him as he is sick. To watch the trailer and see where to purchase the film, go to indiemoviestore.com [insert link directly to product page]. So for all the fathers who care about us beyond our surface needs and get to know us to our core, thank you for all you do. Spend some time this Father’s Day with your dad. Maybe it means treating him to dinner to pay respect to all the times he took you out; maybe it means going on a walk, hike, or play his favorite sport with him; maybe it means watching his favorite Father’s Day movie with him. No matter what kind of family situation you may have, there is always a little room to show your father you care about him on his special day.
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