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Utopia (AKA Atoll K; Atollo K; Escapade)


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This French/Italian film marks the final screen appearance of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. After receiving news that he would inherit an island, Laurel, along with Hardy, leaves at once to visit. With a cook, a stowaway, and a young woman escaping her fiancé in tow, the ship maroons on an atoll, and the passengers set up a government there. After the comic duo discovers Uranium on the island, the largest world powers fight over the atoll.

Starring: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy

Directed By: Leo Joannon

Written By: John D. Klorer

Alternate Titles: Atoll K; Atollo K; Escapade; Robinson Crusoeland

Genre: Comedy

Run Time: 100 minutes


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